Event Organizers in Malawi are failing to tolerate as everyone is trying show how capable is he/she when it comes to music festival organizing. at the pinnacle of this year’s summer Malawi will be flooded with numerous music festivals of which most of the events are going to take place on same weekend.
Intolerance breeds separation, misunderstanding, and hostility between groups. When groups have no opportunity to settle their disagreements by discussion, they are apt to resort to fighting. Intolerance therefore plays a leading part in fostering civic disorders, and especially in fostering revolution.
Dates and venues for the festivals are as follows
1Β – 3 October Sand Music Festival in Mangochi (K35,000 ticket)
15 October Mothers Day Festival in Salima (K40, 000)
29 – 31 Oct Hangout Music Festival (Kabumba Salima) K20, 000
29 – 30 Lilongwe Music Fest (K25, 000)
30 Oct Sound and Light Concert Lilongwe (K10, 000)